Home Inspection FAQs

What Fixes are Mandatory After a Home Inspection?

Legally, you don't have to get anything fixed after a home inspection. However, you may not be able to obtain financing if the house has electrical issues, water damage, structural issues, damaged roofing, problems with HVAC, poor plumbing, or infestations of pests like rats, mice, or insects (Kalfrin, 2020).

How Do You Write a Counter Offer After a Home Inspection?

After a home inspection, you can ask your broker to negotiate any necessary repairs with the sellers or ask the sellers to lower the price so you can fix the problems yourself. Getting quotes from local contractors will help you write out a counter offer based on estimates, but a buyer should be aware that a seller is not obligated to fix anything (Fitzpatrick, 2022).

What Should You Ask During a Home Inspection?

During the inspection, ask the inspector what they will inspect and what isn't covered in the inspection. Ask them about anything you are worried about, like a sagging roof, poor electrical, or rusty or slow-flowing water out of the taps. Don't be afraid of asking questions during the inspection from "is this a big problem or a little problem?" and if they can explain any functions of the home you might not be familiar with, like a fireplace or an oil burner (TEN IMPORTANT QUESTIONS TO ASK YOUR HOME INSPECTOR, 2022).

How Long After a Home Inspection Does a Buyer Have to Back Out?

Many home inspection contingencies are based on a seven-day timetable. This means that after you sign the purchase agreement and the inspection occurs, you may have seven days to back out (Bortz, 2022).

How Should You Prepare Your Home for a Home Inspection?

Make sure there is easy access to the property, from clearing out the entrance to your basement to clearing out any clutter. Take a good look at your roof, are there shingles falling off? If so, it might be time to fix them. Make sure all taps and toilets work. Then check that all the lightbulbs are working in both exterior and interior lights. Fuse boxes should be easily identifiable, take care of leaks and water damage, and if you have a pest or bug infestation, bring a professional in to take care of it before the inspection occurs (Mueller, 2018).

How Much Does a Mold Inspection Cost on a Home?

The cost of a mold inspection can cost up to $1000 or as little as $295. It will depend on a few factors, including the inspector doing the job, the size and location of the home (Franco, 2021).

How Do You Get a Home Inspection Job?

If you want to become a home inspector, you will need to complete the list of requirements issued by your home state. There isn't a national certification, and each state has its own rules and regulations. You must earn your license through a combination of home inspection classes, hands-on experience, and passing a state exam (ATI Training, 2022).

The Bottom Line

A home inspection will cost you a little bit of time and money, but in the long run, you'll be glad you did it. The inspection can reveal problems that you may be able to get the current owners to fix before moving in—or else prevent you from inadvertently buying a money pit. For new home construction, it’s a crucial part of the home buying process.


ATI Training. (2022, July 14). Retrieved from How to Become a Home Inspector: take these 5 steps and work for YOURSELF: https://www.atihomeinspectortraining.com/CareerBenefits/HowtoBecome

Bortz, D. (2022, May 8). How to Get Out of a Contract When You Don’t Want to Buy That House. Retrieved from Realtor.com: https://www.realtor.com/advice/buy/back-out-of-buying-home/#:~:text=Home%20inspection%20contingencies%20are%20often,after%20signing%20the%20purchase%20agreement.

Fitzpatrick, R. (2022, February 2). 7 Tips: Negotiating Repairs After a Home Inspection. Retrieved from Raleigh Realty: https://www.raleighrealtyhomes.com/blog/negotiating-repairs-after-home-inspection.html

Franco, M. (2021, February 11). How Much Does a Mold Inspection Cost? Retrieved from HomeServe.com: https://www.homeserve.com/en-us/blog/cost-guide/mold-inspection/

Kalfrin, V. (2020, July 20). What Fixes Are Mandatory After a Home Inspection (If Any)? Retrieved from HomeLight: https://www.homelight.com/blog/what-fixes-are-mandatory-after-a-home-inspection/

Mueller, L. (2018, March 2). How to Prepare for a Home Inspection. Retrieved from Moving.com: https://www.moving.com/tips/how-to-prepare-for-a-home-inspection/

Schedule a home inspection. (2022, July 14). Retrieved from Consumer Financial Protection Bureau: https://www.consumerfinance.gov/owning-a-home/close/schedule-home-inspection/

TEN IMPORTANT QUESTIONS TO ASK YOUR HOME INSPECTOR. (2022, July 14). Retrieved from U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development: https://www.hud.gov/program_offices/housing/sfh/insp/inspfaq


Repairs After Home Inspection